Invasive aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment that involves changing the shape of your teeth or adding material to them. This can include:
- Attachments: Using attachments to hook aligners onto teeth.
- Accessory appliances: Using elastics or rubber bands.
- Cosmetic bonding: Changing the shape of your teeth with cosmetic bonding.
- Interproximal reduction: Changing the shape of your teeth with interproximal reduction.
Invasive aligners are designed to permanently change the shape of your teeth and create a symmetrical smile. They can only be done in a clinic.
In contrast, non-invasive aligners improve the alignment of your teeth without making any permanent changes. They can be done remotely. Clear aligners are a type of non-invasive aligner that are a good option for mild to moderate crowding or spacing issues. They are made of a thin, transparent plastic that you wear over your teeth to gradually move them into place.
An orthodontist or dentist can help you decide what's best for your situation.